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OMS JR Beta Bylaws 2022-2023

Article I: Time and Place of Meetings

The time, day, and place of meetings of National Junior Beta Club will be decided upon only after consultation with, and upon the approval of, the principal of Odenville Middle School.

National Junior Beta club meetings are at 3:00pm – 4:00pm on specified Thursdays at OMS.  The meetings will typically be every other week.  Meetings are mandatory.  If the member is an athlete who has practice or a game that interferes with the Beta meeting, they will be required to make up the meeting with Mrs. Parrish the following school day from 7:30am – 7:50am in Room 119.

Article II: Quorum

A quorum of this organization shall be constituted by a majority of the membership.  No action may be taken which is binding upon the membership unless a quorum is present.  However, certain matters – such as discussion of means of taking in new members, the presentation of a program, etc. – may be carried on at a regular or special meeting without a quorum being present.

Article III: Standards of Membership

Standards of membership in the Odenville Middle School National Junior Beta club must conform to the general features as laid down in the National Constitution, and in all cases must be approved by the principal of the school.

The grade levels from which members may be drawn are 7th and 8th.

All students must be performing at or above grade level in order to be eligible for membership.  The academic requirements for membership in the National Junior Beta club are an academic average of 88 from the previous school year with no grade being below a B in any class.

The service requirements for membership in the National Junior Beta Club are 15 hours.

The character and behavioral requirements for membership in the National Junior Beta club are maintaining a commendable attitude and strong character.

Article IV: Induction of Members

The induction of new members into this National Junior Beta club will be one of dignity appropriate to the ideals of the organization.  Any pre-induction initiation activity must be submitted to and approved by the principal of Odenville Middle School.  It must not be of a nature to cause physical pain or mental embarrassment to the initiate.

Article V: Local Dues

National Beta is for qualifying students in grades 4-12.  There is a $24 national fee for the Junior division.

The local dues of this club of National Junior Beta shall be $15 per year.  Local dues are used for college tours and supplies for service projects.  The cost of local membership in the club will be kept at an absolute minimum, so that no worthy student is unable to become a member for financial reasons.

Article VI: Loss of Membership

A member of this National Beta Junior Beta club may be put on probation or dropped from membership for the following reasons:

  • If he/she is absent without a justifiable reason from 3 regular consecutive meetings.  Please let Mrs. Parrish know before the regular afternoon meeting if you will not be able to attend so that she can prepare a make-up meeting for the following morning.
  • If his/her academic record falls below AB honor roll.
  • If he/she fails to attain at least 15 service hours without a justifiable reason.
  • If his/her character and behavior record falls below an acceptable level:
    • A member who receives 1-2 days of ISS/ISD will be put on probation and will be given a semester of probation to show a change in behavior.  NO EXCEPTIONS
    • A member who receives 3 days of ISS/ISD will be dismissed from the Beta club.  NO EXCEPTIONS
    • A member who receives 5 lunch detentions will be put on probation and will be given a semester of probation to show a change in behavior.  NO EXCEPTIONS
    • Beta Club members must not receive suspension for any reason (external suspension or alternative school placement) to remain in good standing.  A student who receives a Step 6 (out of school suspension) or higher will be immediately suspended from the Beta Club for one calendar year.  NO EXCEPTIONS
    • Students will be immediately suspended for one calendar year from the Beta Club for any of the following reasons: Cheating – Insubordination - Use/possession of alcohol/drugs, including tobacco - Non-payment of dues - Other serious rule violations as determined by school administration.  NO EXCEPTIONS

If and when a member is put on probation, they have the opportunity to be added back on the active school roster.  If and when a member is dropped from membership, a record of this action shall be relayed to the National Office of National Junior Beta Club immediately.

If a member does not meet the above requirements, they will be put on a one semester probation period.  At the end of that period, the requirements will be reviewed for the member.  Upon meeting the requirements, the member can be reinstated to the club.  If the requirements are not met, the student will be dismissed from the club for one calendar year and will have to meet new member eligibility requirements to rejoin the beta club.

A member that is on probation may not: attend club meetings, participate in school sponsored service projects, or participate in club field trips.  To remain eligible at the end of the school year, the member must still complete the 5 service hours but will need to do so outside of school due to their probationary status.

Article VII: Amending the Bylaws

The bylaws of this National Junior Beta club may be amended by a majority vote of the membership, provided such proposed amendment is placed before the club at a previous meeting.


Odenville Middle School Junior Beta Club 

“Let Us Lead By Serving Others”