Hybrid Learning Plan
The hybrid option is for those students who are still enrolled at Odenville Middle School for one or more grading periods but are choosing to stay at home due to safety concerns. These students will be enrolled in an online program (APEX). APEX will be accessed through Microsoft Teams. This option does not include face-to-face instruction.
Important Information:
- Students will be assigned work to be completed daily/weekly through Microsoft Teams.
- Grades will be entered into I-Now weekly.
- Students should reach out to a teacher for clarification of directions.
- Additional support with content/assignments may be requested.
- Students selecting hybrid model WILL NOT attend in person lessons.
- Students will not need to follow the school schedule during each day.
- Students must show mastery of content to pass to the next grade level.
- Daily lessons will be assigned for all core subjects and electives.
- Students will be monitored to make sure they are logging in daily and completing work.
- Assist your child in creating a daily/weekly schedule that devotes an appropriate amount of time to complete online and teacher created assignments.
- Monitor your student’s progress with assignments.
- Assist student with directions for work.
- Make sure assignments are completed and uploaded or submitted to teacher.
Hybrid students will be supported by a facilitator, Kelly Mikell, and the classroom teacher. Classroom expectations and coursework will be shared via Microsoft Teams. The approved curriculum platform is APEX, however, Hybrid students may be required to complete tasks designated by the classroom teacher. All students are expected to prove mastery of each subject with grades assigned in order to be promoted to the next grade level.
- Open the internet using one the following browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox or Edge
- In the address bar at the top, type in portal.office.com
- The login box will appear once the page loads.
- Student username: lastname.4 digits@students.sccboe.org
- The lastname.4digits is the same as the normal student login at school. Please email your teacher if your child does not remember his/her 4 digits.
- PLEASE PAY ATTENTION to the word “students” in the username. It is plural (end in “s”)
- Click “Next”
- Student password: Same as what they use in school
- If this is the first time a student is logging into O365 this school year, the password is preset to Pass123 (capital P). The student will be prompted to create their password if this is the first-time logging in. Write it down!
- If there are errors in logging in, check the following items:
- Check the Username for plural “students”
- Check that there is no space before or after the . between last name and 4 digit number
- Check that sccboe is in the correct order
- Check that sccboe has only two c’s
- Once the student is logged in, the homepage with all the Office 365 programs will load.
The following are STUDENT DIRECTIONS once the teacher has created an assignment in Teams.
- Log into portal.office.com
- Click on the blue Teams app
- Choose the correct class
- Click “Assignment”
- Once the page loads, find your assignment.
- Click on the box with the assignment name on it.
- Click on the APEX icon in Teams. If you do not see a tab at the top that says APEX, you may have to click on a drop down arrow.
- You will be asked to create a new password. Use the word “password” as the password to login and then you will be prompted to create a new one.
- We recommend making your APEX password the same as your Office 365 password.
- Teachers will open assignments (daily activities, quizzes & tests) weekly for students to complete at home. The first assignment will be a tutorial orientation in order to help students and parents become more familiar with the program.
How to Work APEX
- To login- go to apexvs.com
- Username: last name.4-digit# (ex: Rich.1234)
- Use the word “password” as the password to login and then you will be prompted to create a new one.
- Once you log-in it will bring you to your main dashboard where you will see a list of your courses. To get into a course, please click on the title. For example- 20/21 7th grade math. This will open your list of assignments.
- Click on the starting unit. (Unit 1- and click start)
- You will notice throughout each lesson there will be key terms, study pages, check-ups, and reviews. Please make use of these tools because they will be helpful when you take quizzes and tests. Take your time, take notes, and make sure you read and complete everything on each page. There may be multiple instructions within 1 assignment.
- Back on the main dashboard- if you click on your grade under the “grade to date”- it will bring up more details of the assignments you have completed or need to complete along with the individual grade on each one.
- Grade-To-Date is not your complete grade for the class. APEX grades will be entered in I-NOW along with Teacher Made Assignments from Teams to calculate your class grade for the nine weeks.
- You will also see Announcements and Messages on the main dashboard. Teachers may choose to use this to remind you of assignments.
STEP 4 - August 20th and 21st - First Assignment for Hybrid Students
- Go to portal.office.com (Microsoft 365) and reset your password.
- Click on the blue Teams icon.
- Your first assignment will be listed on your English Class Teams page. It involves watching a Help video about how to navigate APEX.
If you have questions about your assignments or simply accessing the APEX program, please contact your child’s teacher or our media specialist, Kelly Mikell.
Helpful Links